Discover all the video tutorials related to building tools and applications based on your spreadsheet knowledge. Come see how all the skills you have gained across all disciplines (functions, formatting, data analysis, charts, and more) come together to result in neat gadgets!
These applications range from organization tools (goal tracker, priority log) to analytic frameworks (movie statistical analysis, predictor tool, experimental design) to finance (stock analysis) to games (dice game, tic tac toe) to gadgets (prize drawing, t-shirt order collection).
Spreadsheets are tools for understanding and solving problems. Come discover all these here. You can click on any of the questions below to access the video tutorial. If you can think of any other ways spreadsheets can be transformed into a framework or application, go ahead and give it a shot!

Video Tutorials:
Click/Select any question below to view the video
- How do I make better decisions with spreadsheets?
- How will a goal tracker benefit me?
- How do I analyze movie data?
- How do I manage order collections?
- How do I build a priority log?
- Where does all my money go?
- Where is basic stock analysis?
- How do I create a tournament schedule?
- How do I make better predictions?
- How do I create a dice game?
- Why create a tic tac toe game?
- How do I decode the tic tac toe game?
- How do I set up a random prize drawing?
- How do I split group costs with spreadsheets?
- How do I visualize data using Gallup survey results?
- How do I design and test experiments with spreadsheets?
- How do I conduct hypothesis tests?
- How do I simulate dice rolls with spreadsheets?
- How do I calculate a variety of exchange rates?
- How do I manage my college applications?
- How do I create a wedding planning spreadsheet?
- How do I calculate the volume of geometric objects?
- How do I improve accuracy with the kappa statistic?