Today’s post will be another variation of our generic Math Worksheet Generator that we’ve posted before. This worksheet will give students the opportunity to practice their addition and subtraction math facts, so that eventually things like 9+7 = 16 and 17-9 = 8 will come more quickly.
For the subtraction facts spreadsheet, we made the first number a random number between 11 and 18, and the second number a random number between the first number minus 9 and 9, in order to make the answer a single digit math fact.
For the addition spreadsheet, we made the answer a random number between 11 and 18, and then hid it, then filled in the two addends with one random number and then the answer minus the random number.

Check out the spreadsheet here. We’d also recommend using a stopwatch to help students try to increase speed: Addition and Subtraction Speed Worksheet