Convert between Google Sheets & Excel

How do I convert a Google Sheets into Microsoft Excel and vice versa? Below is a 5-step approach and a 3-minute video tutorial. The conversion is fast and easy!



*Note on video: Since the publishing of the video (2013), Google Spreadsheets has been re-named to Google Sheets. The conversion process from Excel to Google Sheets has also been slightly amended. The exact steps can be found below.

5 thoughts on “Convert between Google Sheets & Excel”

  1. Might be because of the age of the article but when converting from excel to Google Spreadsheet, the Open file option gives a choice of options and the only way to get to your local drive is via the Upload button

  2. I converted from Google Spreadsheet to Excel Spreadsheet using the above method, and part of my gridlines disappeared — not all of them — just part of them.

    Any suggestions? Thanks.

  3. Interesting. I haven’t experienced this before. When you refer to gridlines, are you referring to borders? I wonder if this is related to a formatting issue.

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