Build a Printable Math Worksheet Generator Spreadsheet

Now two months into lockdown, we’re already scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to kids’ activities. No one wants to play our Math Dice Spreadsheet anymore. Why not torture educate them with a potentially never-ending stream of repetitive math reinforcement? Kidding aside, a mastery of arithmetic is a prerequisite for the (only slightly) more advanced problem solving examples that we provide here at…

We basically want to create a spreadsheet that creates a bunch of random arithmetic problems that looks like this and can be printed:

Spreadsheet Inputs

  • What arithmetic operator we are practicing (+,-,x,/)
  • The largest possible value of the first number (one can adjust the difficulty by allowing more digits for each number you are working with.
  • The largest possible value of the second number.

Spreadsheet Outputs

This is another relatively simple spreadsheet – we’ll again use the randbetween() function to generate random numbers between 0 and the maximum values. The challenge with this spreadsheet is the formatting and making things look presentable. I’ll save you the gory details and just post the file here:

Download the Excel .xls file by clicking here: Custom Math Worksheet Generator

For another spreadsheet that combines both addition and subtraction on the same sheet, click here: Custom Math Worksheet Generator 2