Today we’ll build a dedicated division spreadsheet, where we set parameters for the problems and print an unlimited number of different division worksheets.
The inputs we’ll allow the user to enter are the maximum dividend (number to be divided) size, the maximum divisor, and whether or not we want to have the answers be able to have remainders.

So if the user selects yes or “y” for the remainder, the problem is relatively simple – we’ll have a random number for the answer between (1,100) for the dividend, and then a random number between (1,10) for the divisor.
If the user selects “n”, we’ll have a random number between (1,10) for the divisor, and then a random number between 1 and the max dividend/current divisor for the answer, then we’ll multiply the answer by the divisor to get the dividend.
Here’s how it looks like in full:

You can download the printable Microsoft Excel file here: