A good friend introduced me to a site by Payscale that compares the “value” of a college education through a measure called the ROI (Return on Investment), broadly calculated as the difference between the expected future income stream of a college graduate and the actual cost of attending college. Continue reading “Introducing VLOOKUP & College Education Value”
Tag: SpreadsheetSolving
How to Create an Online Game in 5 steps
Did you know you can create an interactive online Tic Tac Toe game in 5 steps? Google spreadsheets makes this possible! Two beautiful features of a Google spreadsheet are 1) it is online-based, so anyone with an Internet connection can play; and 2) Google spreadsheets are free! To access it, view our post: spreadsheetsolving.com/access Continue reading “How to Create an Online Game in 5 steps”
What College Rank & Professors’ Salaries say about Tuition
Do higher-ranked schools tend to charge a larger tuition? Does a professor’s salary positively correlate with college tuition? In this post, we’ll explore the relationships between college tuition to a couple of factors, such as professor salary, school rank, freshman retention rate*, and 6-year graduation rate.
Continue reading “What College Rank & Professors’ Salaries say about Tuition”
ABCD: Analyzing Big College Data

The college decision is a big one. Are you deciding which college(s) to apply to or which one to attend? Or are you in middle or high school and interested in attending college someday? Or have you already graduated from college?
For all, let’s explore essential skills by analyzing data across 202 U.S. colleges! Continue reading “ABCD: Analyzing Big College Data”
Pampered Pooches: Is Pet Spending Recession-Proof?

When asked which child she adores most, my mom would remark without hesitation, “Sushi is my favorite.” Sushi is an adorable 7-year-old schnauzer. As many may relate, pets are a part of the family, with a few lucky ones elevated to “favorite child” status. Continue reading “Pampered Pooches: Is Pet Spending Recession-Proof?”
“The Sexiest Job in the 21st Century”

Agency: Dreamstime.com
How do we make use of an explosion of information? What skills do we need to manage massive amounts of data? Can we analyze them, create visualizations, and make discoveries?
If any of these questions intrigue you, you may be interested in “the sexiest job in the 21st century” (according to the Harvard Business Review).
Mad Men Salary Equivalence

In Season 5 of Mad Men, a TV series set in the 1960’s, Peggy leaves the company to accept a salary of $19,000. What does $19K in 1967 equate to in today’s dollars? Let’s solve it with a spreadsheet!
Coin-flipping Life Experiment

What if life’s major choices are to be decided by the flip of a coin? Interestingly, the Freakonomics Experiments project – a collaboration between Freakonomics and the University of Chicago – is enlisting volunteers to do just that to study human behavior of decision-making. Intriguing, right?
An essential feature of this experiment is generating a truly random toin coss. While the Freakonomics Experiments team ensured coin toss randomness by using the Swiss-based Fourmilab’s True Random Number Generator (more info here), we can create our own coin toss using spreadsheets! Really? You bet!
Movie data analysis – movies turning 20
Have you seen the list of 40 movies turning 20 years old? Coming out in 1993, these movies include Jurassic Park, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Cool Runnings, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Free Willy. (The full list can be found from the link at the bottom of the post). Now you may thinking to yourselves, how could spreadsheets possibly be related to movies? Continue reading “Movie data analysis – movies turning 20”
How do I access spreadsheets?
Whether or not you realize it, you already have access to spreadsheets! Wait a minute: are you saying I don’t need to buy a spreadsheet software program to learn and create spreadsheets?
Absolutely right! Google spreadsheets are free. The 3 things you’ll need are… Continue reading “How do I access spreadsheets?”
Welcome to Spreadsheet Solving
Why care about spreadsheets? How could learning spreadsheets possibly benefit me? Continue reading “Welcome to Spreadsheet Solving”