Is the “height success rate” for seeds grown in organic soil significantly higher than that for those grown in the non-organic soil? Let’s use a statistical test to find out! But before we delve in, let’s review the amazing Central Limit Theorem (CLT). Why so remarkable, you may ask? Continue reading “Hypothesis Testing with Spreadsheets – Part II”
Category: Statistics & Probability
Hypothesis Testing with Spreadsheets – Part I

What is the impact of organic soil on a seedling’s height? Will an organically-grown seedling be taller than one grown in non-organic soil? Armed with data, we’ll now tackle these questions by performing a statistical test in a spreadsheet!
To see how we our experimental design and data collection method, please see: Continue reading “Hypothesis Testing with Spreadsheets – Part I”
Design & Conduct Experiments with Spreadsheets

Seeking science experiment ideas? Want to conduct an experiment? Curious about hypothesis testing? Understanding how to design and test an effective experiment is an essential skill. Let’s investigate this research question: What is the impact of organic soil on a seedling’s height?
Spreadsheets are a platform to test an experiment or conduct a research study. With spreadsheets, we can collect & organize data, compute summary statistics, and even test hypotheses!
So, let’s begin our experiment with spreadsheets, statistics, seeds, & soil! Continue reading “Design & Conduct Experiments with Spreadsheets”
What College Rank & Professors’ Salaries say about Tuition
Do higher-ranked schools tend to charge a larger tuition? Does a professor’s salary positively correlate with college tuition? In this post, we’ll explore the relationships between college tuition to a couple of factors, such as professor salary, school rank, freshman retention rate*, and 6-year graduation rate.
Continue reading “What College Rank & Professors’ Salaries say about Tuition”
Nutella “Spread”sheet Analysis

Nutella has recently been a prime target of thefts – from the undergraduate dining halls of Columbia University to a central German town of Bad Hersfeld, where 5 tons of this hazelnut spread was discovered from a parked trailer. Imagine a trailer holding 7,150,000 calories, 780,000 grams of fat, and over 1.5 tons of sugars – all packed in this delicious spread! Continue reading “Nutella “Spread”sheet Analysis”
Movie data analysis – movies turning 20
Have you seen the list of 40 movies turning 20 years old? Coming out in 1993, these movies include Jurassic Park, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Cool Runnings, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Free Willy. (The full list can be found from the link at the bottom of the post). Now you may thinking to yourselves, how could spreadsheets possibly be related to movies? Continue reading “Movie data analysis – movies turning 20”